Updates on the Santana Murphy Family

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Star Wars Weekend Slideshow

As all of you know Caleb is a HUGE Star Wars fan so we couldn't pass up the opportunity of taking him to Star Wars Weekend at Disney! Thank you so much Brittny!!
Also THANK YOU TO MY BIG BROTHERS (and the wives and kids) AND MY PARENTS FOR MY AWESOME NEW CAMERA! You all are the best family in the world!
None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for all of you guys!! We really appreciate it and Caleb will have these memories for a long time!
Now if it only wouldn't have rained we could have stayed longer... maybe next year!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

My babies are getting so big!

Here is a new picture of them. They are both doing well and getting big. Caleb is so smart and continues to suprise us everyday with his ever growing vocabulary, sometimes not such nice words hahah. He's writing words out that he sounds out, although it's not always right he does a great job for 4 years old! Clover is getting big!! She's rolling over every once in a while, loves to sit all the way up in her Bumbo, plays with toys, sucks on her fingers, grabs everything that comes close to her hand and she's pushing up on her elbows a little, oh and babbling a lot. She's a talker!
Here they are! These are a few recent pictures of my babies!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our new baby girl!

Here's our new baby girl Clover! She was born August 14, 2007 at 11:07am. She was 8lbs and 4oz. and she was 20 3/4 inches long. Way bigger than Caleb was!!!
Now, she's 2 months and a week old, and she's gotten so big and so beautiful. She has big brown eyes, dark slightly curly hair, and big dimples on both cheeks.
Caleb is loving being a big brother and has been a big help. He just turned 4 a month ago and is getting so big too!!

That's it for now!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Our new baby

Here's the first ultrasound that we have for our second baby....
We are all so excited, espically Caleb. He belives as soon as the baby is born he's BIG, like Daddy he says. Haha. We'll keep everyone updated, on here as well as on Myspace.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Caleb's mohawk

Just posting this picture. Caleb got a mohawk, it's too cute. We took this picture for Uncle Ryan's 26th birthday!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

New Home, new webpage

Hi everyone! I decided this would be a better place to update our friends and family on how we are and what we are doing besides a website because of how convient this is.
We are finally in our condo (Yaaah!) and are MOSTLY unpacked, thanks to Willie taking 2 days off to do it. The move was hard but thanks to Kevin, Robb, David and Nicolle for helping us move and to the Arendt and Maldonado family for helping us with watching Caleb. Caleb loves going to Grandma and Grandpa Maldonado's house, and of course visiting his cousins' house.
Willie is working still at 5/3 Bank but was promoted to Assistant Manager or "Customer Service Manager" at the Longwood branch. It's closer to where we live now. I am still at Kiddie U, for a year and a half now, which is quite a drive for me, about 30-45 minutes. Caleb is still in the 2 and a half year old room but soon to be moving up soon.
Caleb is almost 3, in 2 months!! Wow, I can't believe it. He's getting so big so fast. He's a big boy now! He's really into playing sports (throwing the football, kicking the soccer ball... ect.) drawing, coloring, making messes, and lots more. We saw the movie Cars a few weeks ago, and he loooved it and everything he sees of Cars he's like "Woooow, Caaaaaaaaars, Loook!" Also, he's really liking Superman! He has pjs, toys, and has even tried to fly once when he hurt himself. Haha.
That's it for now, I will sure keep this more updated than the webpage because of a lack of bandwith, I guess.
Here's Caleb "jammin' " on his Wiggles guitar, In his Superman pj acting like he's flying and drawing on his Magnadoodle he says it's a boat and a snake in the water.